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Plastic Trolleys

The trolley or “caddy” is essential in the store. The shopping experience is optimal thanks to the comfort provided by the different models offered by Cart City - store equipment supplier.

trolley for wheelchair is also available to meet the needs of people with reduced mobility.

Chariot pour portes les sacs de courses

Carry Bag Trolley

Chariot compact avec anse couleur

Trolley 86 L

Chariot plastique 80L pour magasin

Trolley 80 L

Chariot avec siège enfant

Trolley 90 L

Chariot hybride plastique métal 130 litres
Chariot plastique grand 160 litres
Chariot plastique volumineux 210 litres
chariot Kid Car

Trolley 130 L

Trolley 160 L

Trolley 210 L


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